


Monday, June 8, 2015

What Will NAFDAC Do If This Were To Happen In Nigeria? Ho! Sorry Who Says It's Not Even Happening in Nigeria.

The question I think should be, can NAFDAC reveal these type of atrocities that is currently going on in Nigeria?

Pressing issue: Prawns are pushed on to lines of mayonnaise dispensed on to slices of white bread by a machine as part of the process

Yes I know a lot of people will say, they are far far better than us in Nigeria, Yes they might be better than us in service delivery but what is not good is not good and this is not acceptable anywhere in the world, It's not healthy, It's not hygienic according to good practice.

Feeding our insatiable appetite: Some of the 2,000 employees on the production line at the huge Greencore plant in Nottinghamshire

This is Greancore Sandwich factory workshop in Nottinghamshire where over 300, 000 loaves of breads are being used for sandwich on a daily bases.

Three million sandwiches are made by army of 2000 workers who use their bare hands to put together your lunch.

This is happening at Britain biggest sandwich-making factory. Merely, seeing this at a glance can actually put you off their food.

Meanwhile Greencore, the company that owns it, has argued that this practice makes it easier for the 2000 employees to detect any potential 'contamination' on their skin

Millions of sandwiches are made every day at the 24-hour factory where half the workers - including many Poles - are from outside the UK

What Will NAFDAC Do If This Were To Happen In Nigeria? Ho! Sorry Who Says It's Not Even Happening in Nigeria.

Bread and butter: A worker puts together a chicken and bacon sandwich which is later sold at supermarkets and stores such as Boots

Extraordinary: The factory on the edge of Worksop in Nottinghamshire uses 300,000 loaves of bread every week for its sandwiches

Getting to grips with your grub: Greencore’s human resources director, said the company had tried to recruit in the UK, but that it was ‘not always the kind of work’ which people wanted

Production line: In one corner a machine pumps out lines of mayonnaise while workers place grated cheese and slices of bread on top

The factory makes an astonishing 900 types of sandwich to feed the huge demand for shop-bought lunches, including 300 new varieties a year as UK tastes evolve

Foreign employees: Half of Greencore’s workers are from outside the UK, and many at the Manton Wood factory, near Worksop, are Polish

Greencore claimed there had been no redundancies at Manton Wood for over ten years and announced it is creating 70 new jobs on the site - meaning more cheese sandwiches

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