


Monday, August 3, 2015

Calais under siege: Riot police battle 2,500 migrants desperate to reach Britain through Channel Tunnel during weekend of chaos

Sit-in: French police watch as the crowd of migrants blocks an access road causing a long queue of lorries last night

Violence erupted in Calais overnight after a weekend where around 2,500 migrants stormed the Channel Tunnel, including an organised gang of 200 filmed chanting 'open the borders' and demanding to be allowed into Britain.

A French riot officer is in hospital today after he was left with a lacerated face and head as police were pelted with stones as they tried to keep them at bay.

Police said this morning that around 1,700 people tried to get to Britain last night - around one in four of all people living in the 'Jungle' camp on the edge of Calais - the highest number for almost a week.
Separate reports said that on Friday and Saturday only around 400 people per night tried to get to the Channel Tunnel, mainly because of a reduced number of trains over the weekend.

At the peak of the crisis a week ago around 2,000 people were storming fences and desperately tried to clamber on trains bound for Kent - a deadly gamble that has allowed at least 200 to get to Britain but also claimed the lives of nine people.

With the Prime Minister and Home Secretary on holiday, Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond is to chair another meeting of the Cobra emergency committee at 4pm.

See more pictures below...
Fresh offensive: Around 2,500 migrants have rushed the Channel Tunnel since Friday night, pictured on Saturday night, including around 1,700 last night

Dash: Despite increased security and new fences migrants have still managed to flow through into the Channel Tunnel terminal, pictured on Saturday night

Flimsy defence: The mesh fences surrounding the Calais entrance to the Channel Tunnel are no match for a group of 200 desperate migrants who easily managed to break through in the early hours Sunday morning

Overwhelmed: Groups from the Calais 'Jungle' camp have conspired to carry out more 'orchestrated' attempts to get to Britain on Saturday night

Battle: French riot police used tear gas and batons to beat back migrants in skirmishes last night where on officer was injured when pelted with stones

Desperate: A young child is taken along the side of the railway line in Calais this morning after a night of violence which saw a police officer badly injured   Lines of migrants walk along the railway lines in Calais this morning after a night of violence which saw a police officer badly injured

Queues: Groups of people trying to get to the UK continue to try to get close to the tunnel in the hope they can get on to trains or lorries, pictured this morning

Defence: Gendarmes were forced to use tear grenades to disperse this crowd of migrants when they rushed fences on Saturday night

Crowd dispersed: When the sun began to rise, more than a dozen officers arrived dressed in riot gear and sprayed tear gas at the migrants

Chasing them away: The French police took a no-nonsense approach to the crowd on Sunday morning, chasing them from the road

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