


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

ISIS plotting to bomb the QUEEN in Boston Marathon-style attack at World War Two event


ISLAMIC State (ISIS) are plotting to blow up the Queen next weekend – at an event marking the end of the Second World War.

The Queen is one of the bombing targets according to intelligence reports
Police and MI5 are said to be desperately racing against the clock to foil the assassination plot by British jihadis, which is being masterminded from Syria by ISIS commanders. 

The terrorists are reportedly looking to strike next Saturday by detonating a pressure cooker bomb in Central London – during events marking the 70th anniversary of Victory in Japan (VJ) day, which effectively ended World War Two.

Sources said that a specific threat has been made against the Queen, prompting police to make an urgent review of security arrangements for the events.

Other Royal Family members are due to attend the anniversary events – including Prince Charles who has been highlighted as another possible target in intelligence reports.

Police are reportedly fearing carnage on a massive scale as thousands of people are expected to line the streets around Whitehall and Westminster Abbey.

David Cameron will also be attending the events, alongside numerous dignitaries, over 1,000 veterans of the Far East campaign and their families and even members of the Armed Forces. 

Senior figures of Scotland Yard's Royal Protection arm, SO14, along with S01 Specialist Protection - which provides security for the Prime Minister and dignitaries - and the Home Office have learned that attendees are considered to be "under threat from terrorist attack".

The device ISIS plan to use is believed to be similar to the bomb detonated in the Boston Marathon bombings in 2013.

The atrocious attack left three people dead and injured more than 260 others.

If such an attack was successful it would likely cause high casualties and confirm long-held fears of a terror attack by Muslim extremists on UK soil.

Hundreds of ISIS converts have fled the UK for Syria and Iraq in recent years but others are being urged by the terror group to remain in Britain to stage attacks.

After being warned about the potential threat the Queen has reportedly insisted she attends the events to "honour the fallen".

On Saturday Her Majesty will attend a service at St Martins-in-the-Fields at Trafalgar Square.

Dignitaries will then move to Horse Guards Parade - just half a mile from Downing Street - for a traditional military service, a flypast and a wreath-laying ceremony - before veterans and current troops are paraded down Whitehall and Westminster Abbey.

No arrests have yet been made but counter-terrorism police are monitoring the development of the plot - with some intelligence reports suggesting that the drumhead service in Horse Guards Parade could be a specific target.

A Buckingham Palace spokesman said the alleged terror plot "is not something we would comment on", while a Scotland Yard spokesman also declined to comment. 

Only two months ago, a series of terror manuals instructing how to launch 'lone wolf' attacks on Britain and the West were circulated over the internet - providing intricate advice on assassinations, firearms techniques and bomb-making similar to those used by terrorists during attacks in Tunisia, France and Kuwait. 

Speaking after the Tunisian beach massacre - in which 38 people tragically lost their lives - Cameron argued there is a "serious threat" of an attack on home soil.

Should we not stop the terrorists in their planning, it's essential we disrupt them in any of the attacks that may take place

Following the attack UK emergency services staged a mock major terrorist attack, taking part in a drill to ensure they are prepared "should the worst happen". 

A fake armed terrorist saw response from police, fire and ambulance crews along with soldiers, members of the Home Office, Cabinet Office, Ministry of Defence and Department of Health officials in the UK's biggest-ever practice drill.

Acting wounded were seen spilling out onto the streets, while armed officers stormed the station to capture the gunman.

Deputy Assistant Police Commissioner Maxine de Brunner said the Met was more prepared to protect the nation from terror attacks than it was during the July 7 bombings on the London Underground, but needed to keep honing their skills to "match whatever we think a terrorist group may do".

She said it was aimed "in the extreme end of what might happen".

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan Howe said:"We intend first of all to stop them from getting to attack. But should we not stop the terrorists in their planning, it's essential we disrupt them in any of the attacks that may take place."

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