


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Nigeria hits record high of daily electricity transmission of 101,088 MWH

The Nigerian National grid has attained an all time maximum energy wheel out of 101, 088 Mega Watt Hour. 

Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN), operator of the grid, which revealed this on Thursday, maintained that it successfully wheeled out this power volume considered unprecedented in Nigeria’s history. 

General Manager, Public Affairs, of the company, Mrs. Seun Olagunju, said in a statement that the achievement was made on Wednesday, 5th August, 2015. 

According to the statement, the company, under the MHI management team, had articulated a short, medium and long terms grid expansion plans aimed at growing and sustaining improvement in the nation’s transmission grid and that TCN has continued to pursue these plans vigorously to ensure that its grid expansion goals and timelines are met. 

The statement further noted that it is in line with this that the company has been able to comfortably wheel 101,088MWH, the maximum energy ever moved along the nation’s transmission line on 5th August, 2015. This development, TCN noted, is indicative of the networks growing capability to evacuate even more energy. 

The previous highest energy wheeled of 99,450MWH was attained on 31st October, 2014. 

Reaffirming its commitment to ensuring a robust and reliable transmission network, TCN assured that it will continue to work hard to build on the gains of its improved wheeling capacity. 

The management of TCN has earlier announced that the National Grid Transmission has hit 4662 megawatt (Mw) of electricity. 

Its General Manager, Public Affairs, Seun Olagunju, in the statement said the new peak was attained at 08.00pm penultimate Tuesday. 

The statement recalled that TCN management had announced the attainment of the previous peak transmission of 4656Mw on 15th July this year. 


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