


Monday, March 12, 2012

Tie The Tie According To The Tie

One has to be presentable in the office environment as all eyes set upon you when enter the office premises. Women look good by applying sufficient makeup but for the other gender. Men have to work on their shoes as they should be shiny; the dress to be wrinkled free and the tie is neatly knotted in the centre. 

The dress and the shoes can be arranged, but the tie is our main concern. It is time consuming for some, but one ought to master this art. The tie and its knot should reflect sufficient style trademark and an elegant look. Though ties’ color is an important factor but it is the knot that does the wonders. 

One can choose from numerous types of tie knots. The famous Windsor knot or full/double Windsor is named after the Duke of the Windsor. It is usually worn by men on formal occasions. The event may be your best friend’s wedding, a presentation at the workplace or a college admission interview. It should be worn on a shirt having a cut-away collar to enhance the triangle shape of the tie. A more modernized look of the Full-Windsor tie knot is known as the half-Windsor knot. It conveys a more easy going approach as compared to the full Windsor knot. Wider ties are used for this knot with typical collar size. 

Another popular tie knot is the Four-in-Hand, also known as a school boy knot. It gives a long and narrow shape to the tie. This knot is used with ties having a wide tab. The collar may be spread wide enough for this type having a pointed end. It evokes a somewhat carefree attitude of the bearer. 
A dense and complicated look can be achieved if one learns the Prince Albert look. It requires narrow ties made of soft and light fabric materials; only then the required look can be achieved. Its advisable to wear it on a shirt with a collar pointed at the outer end. Prince Albert’s knot will define a long tie as it has a wide knot, easily noticed by others. 

Ready-made clip-on knots are also available in the market, imitating a real one. They may be used when in haste but should be avoided as may portray a negative image in front supervisors. Bow ties also look classy with bright colors of the scarves. The trend got started back in 17th century when the upper classes were observed with it around their necks. It’s not necessary for the tie to be expensive. 

The main point is to have the right type of tie knot, depending upon the occasion and also the personality of the personnel. It creates a positive energy within the individual, helping him to work efficiently. It may promote the career or destroy the hard work as the impression of the tie speaks for the male candidate.

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