


Friday, June 5, 2015

Chinese Hackers, Hacked into US Government Computers, Stole Sensitive Details of Four Million Federal Employees

Chinese Hackers are believed to have hacked  into US government computer network system to steal some sensitive details of four million federal workers.

The statement is credited to the Department of Homeland Security, who admitted the shocking breach yesterday with one security expert calling the situation as an 'attack against the nation'.

The attack could be used to blackmail or impersonate them as FBI launches investigation.

Meanwhile, the Chinese Embassy denies claims -  calling the accusations as 'irresponsible'.

Some Experts have slammed the US security systems as 'failure' and calling for overhaul.

 Breach: Chinese hackers are believed to have broken into US government computer networks and stolen details of four million federal workers. The attack may even affect intelligence agencies and President Obama

The hack is just the latest the in a series of major breaches that have shown the vulnerability of the federal government. The previous attacks include:

  • At least 25,000 Homeland workers and thousands of other federal employees had their private files compromised last November.
  • And government agencies were also targeted a year ago by another suspected Chinese cyber-attack.
  • Last year Russian hackers are believed to have accessed unclassified computer systems at the White House and State Department.
  • Hackers also stole information on 100,000 taxpayers from the online computers of the US Internal Revenue Service last month.
  • In February, the Wall Street Journal reported that the State Department had been unable to evict Russian hackers from its email system despite months of help from spies and private companies.   

Admission: The Department of Homeland Security said  data from the Office of Personnel Management (Washington D.C. headquarters pictured) was compromised at the beginning of the month

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